Flying Pages
Fliegende Vision
“The Bible isn’t just a book – it’s a whole library!” …
The Bible is the world’s bestselling book, and how people see that is reflected in the image of our Flying Pages. These are now the central motif in the new logo and corporate design of both the BAVARIAN BIBLE MUSEUM and its supporting institution, the Bavarian Bible Centre. They also embody our museum’s dream to “open up the Bible for everyone!”
As a concrete embodiment of that dream, we’ve developed our Flying Pages motif into a recurring design element that accompanies our visitors throughout the museum.
Your Own Flying Book – Contribute to the Future of the BAVARIAN BIBLE MUSEUM
For a gift of €1,000, sixty sponsors will have the opportunity to have their very own high quality sponsorship sign placed on the specially designed wall of our museum staircase. These signs will bear the name of the sponsor with their own chosen passage from the Bible. Sponsors can also choose which Flying Pages on the wall their sign should be linked to.
We’d love it if you could support our dream, and the further development of our museum, with such a contribution!
For further information on our ‘Flying Pages’ project and on our museum itself, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. We’ll be happy to discuss it with you!